

Permalink 11:03:08 am, Categories: Biographie  

Jean Claude Boulos and Litterature

JCB is the author of four books:

"Amertumes" (Bitterness), a collection of poems in French published in 1990.

La Télé, Quelle Histoire! ("TV, What a History!") published by FMA in 1995 in Arabic and French, where he recounts his experience in television.

La Télé, Quel Enfer! ("TV, What a Hell!") published by Dar An-Nahar in 2008 in Arabic and French, and is the result of the first book. He recounts his experience as CEO of Télé Liban from 1996 to 1999.

"RECUEILS", published in 2009 by World Book Publishing. Eight volumes bringing together all the writings of Jean Claude Boulos: Le theatre de 10 heures, Les Pointes du Cactus, Nahar Arabe et International, Mes Magazines, Bande, Humour et cie, A quoi ca rime?, Nouvelles (et) Anciennes, Un Blagueur sachant bloguer.

JCB has taught advertising courses at several universities including the Lebanese University and St. Joseph University where he served as Head of Department at the IESAV (Institut des Etudes Scéniques et Audiovisuelles). He is also a distinguished lecturer in national and international conferences.

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Jean-Claude Boulos

ECRIVEZ VOTRE COMMENTAIRE en cliquant au bas de chaque catégorie. Découvrez la biographie, les poèmes d’Amertumes, tous les chapitres de La Télé, Quelle Histoire, les articles, les photos de Jicébé…


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